joi, 14 aprilie 2016

Shakespeare In Romania, Shakespeare In The World. Comunicări

Redau aici, pentru amintire în timp dar și pentru informarea celor interesați, lista comunicărilor (30 la număr) prezentate la Simpozionul Internațional Shakespeare organizat de Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române și Academia Română în colaborare cu ICR, Teatrul Național Craiova și alte instituții. O manifestare de un nivel științific și ideatic înalt. 

Comunicările vor fi publicate în Romanian Shakespeare Journal și într-un volum al Editurii MNLR

Aduc mulțumirile mele deosebite directorului MNLR, conf. dr. Ioan Cristescu și echipei sale exemplare.


Comunicări la Simpozionul Internațional

„Shakespeare In Romania, Shakespeare In The World, 12-14 mai, Academia Română

Michael Dobson, Shakespeare 400, Shylock 400
George Banu, Shakespeare, the eternal return
Dominique Goy-Blanquet, Shakespeare, a man for all missions
Stanley Wells, The Genius of Shakespeare
Răzvan Theodorescu, The European visual in Shakespeareʼs time
Mihaela Irimia, The long shadow of the sonnets in Portuguese and Romanian literatures
George Volceanov, Shakespeare studies in present-day Romania
Horia Gârbea, Something about Shakespeare's fauna
Lucia Verona, Elements of detection and crime fiction in Shakespeare’s plays
Lucian Ghita, Gothic Macbeth: The Avant-Garde return of the Elizabethan repressed
Rick St. Peter, Frailty thy name is...: Richard Eyre directs Daniel Day-Lewis in Hamlet
Nicoleta Cinpoeș, Hamlet from the Bloc: 1989 and 2009
Jacek Fabiszak & Natalia Brzozowska, Romanian Shakespeare productions at the Gdansk Shakespeare Festival
Paul Edmondson, Finding Shakespeare's new place
Aleksandra Sakowska, "Post-dramatic" Shakespeares, or disregarding the text, regarding the medium: Song of the Goat's Macbeth
Greg Veit, In the Jaws of Darkness: Photographing contemporary European Shakespeare productions
Christie Carson, Shakespeare and the Digital World: When scholarship meets global capitalism
Viktoria Marinesko, "There's something in't": biographical fact, fiction and fantasy in the
Daniela Marțole, Ethnocentric tendencies in the Romanian translations of Macbeth
Mădălina Nicolaescu, Circulating Shakespeare in Europe's margins: Early 19th century translations in Romania
Adrian Sahlean, Shakespeare & Eminescu - Measure for Measure
Monica Matei-Chesnoiu, Isolarii and Shakespeare’s islands: Mythologized spaces of cultural memory
Viviana Iacob, Shakespeare as Détente: Cultural diplomacy during the Cold War
Dana Monah, Déjà vu: Rewriting as performance in contemporary Richard III adaptations
Pia Brânzeu, Sycorax: A female Prospero?
Jana Wild, HIDDEN (PILGR)IMAGES. Shakespeare reception in the 1970s in Slovakia
Torkut, Nataliya, Shakespeare studies in Ukraine: Founding fathers, main tendencies and modern challenges
Ksenia Boryskina, "How many ages hence shall this our lofty scene be acted over in states
unborn and accents yet unknown": Ukrainian translations of W. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
Gina Călinoiu, Julius Caesar - A continuum temporal
Oana Alis Zaharia, The Political use of translation: Nineteenth-Century Romanian translations of Julius Caesar

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